For Hampton Roads’ 3rd Annual Nodebots Day, NorfolkJS wanted a mascot alongside the tech group’s ninja cat (made by Lookmai Rattana). Thus, the nodebot ninja was born!
Other materials were created for the event, and this includes a poster, stickers, social media announcements, and an instruction sheet on how to build this year‘s Sumobot design.
Digital, Print, Illustration, Layout
NorfolkJS: Linda Nichols
Trisha Tobias
Lookmai Rattana
Pawel Szymczykowski
The instruction sheet style is adapted from Pawel Szymczykowski’s open source materials for the Sumobot. This is available on Github.
Since the audience is mainly going to be children, we wanted the illustrations to be more precise and detailed. We also needed to make the directions on how to attach the pieces clearer and with various close-ups so that the kids could follow along better.
This material was also shared with the JS group in California.